Friday, 22 August 2008

Using new building for lecture and tutorial

Starting this week, all the Swinburne students who take Bachelor program will use new building for lecture and tutorial. I also one of the students will use new building for my lecture and tutorial. After a week studying in new building, I found that the new building is more comfortable than old building because the new build Lecture Theatre just like cinema and in the new building also got new library which bigger around 2-3 compared to the old library. Unluckily, in the new library had problems which are the computers in the library were too little which only had 30 computers for hundred students to use.The classes that uses for tutorial no so good compared to the old once due to the new classroom were smaller and in this week we also having some technical problems especially having electricity problem so that we can have our tutorial class smoothly. Below is the Layout Plan:
H-Female Hostel

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