After living at hostel for around one and half years, I decide moved out from the hostel due to several reasons. The main reason is after next semester, I need to move out from the hostel and I had found the house which for rent early. So, my friends and I decide move out from the hostel earlier one semester. I still remember the first day I start my new life in Swinburne hostel. At that time, I notice that the hostel is very good. This is because all the facilities that provide by Swinburne are new and all the things are still remain good. Besides that, I also need walk around 2 minutes to the University for having my class and I also can go back as long as I got the break. However, at this one and half year I notice that all the facilities that provided start broken or more worst from one semester to another semester especially the internet connection. This may be due to the more and more people start living at hostel. Anyways, my conclusion is the hostel is quite good and it can become better if all the students who live in hostel use all the facilities carefully.
Tonight is the last night I will live in the hostel. This is because tomorrow night I will go back to my hometown-SIBU for having my 3 months semester break. From next semester, I will living at the house that my friends and I rent. The house is nice and it also near to King center and Swinburne. From the time I aggregate, I think I will use around not more than 8 minutes walking from my rented house to Swinburne. At below I had upload few pictures that about the swinburne hostel…… Finally, God Bless!!!!

Swinburne outside view
Common lounge(study area)
common lounge
Laundry room
this handsome guy is my current roommate......
soon become ex-roommate
(next semester he still live at hostel)