Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Big Day

Today is a big day for my Sibu church- Sacred Heart Cathedral Sibu. The reason is because there will be sacerdotal ordination for two deacons which are Deacon Fabian Kong and Deacon Simon Lau. This also means that there will be two new local priests serve in Sibu Diocese after tomorrow night. Besides that, this mass is the First High Mass that I give my services as Altar Server after I have made the decision to leave the Guild in 26 December 2010. I still remember the reason that I want to leave the guild last time. However, when I heard there will be ordination mass on 29 June 2011 I suddenly feel like want to rejoin the guild and provide my service again. I think this may be due to my heart never leaving the guild and my dream. What is my dream? I think the only dream that I really want to achieve is to become a priest. I know that this dream will be very hard to achieve because I know that my family especially my parents will not allow me to become a priest. Anyway, I would like to congratulate both of them and hope that they will become a good priest in future.
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