Yesterday afternoon, my friend and I went to the CPA Talk which organized by the CPA Australia Student Charter (Swinburne Sarawak). The talk speaker is Mr Edwin Wong who is one of the officers of Kuala Lumpur’s CPA Malaysia Division headquarters. During the talk, he talking about CPA Career and told us how to join CPA Australia, why we need to join the CPA Australia and the benefit to join the CPA Australia.
At night, we join the Networking Night cum Installation dinner. The dinner start at 6:30p.m and the place are at Swinburne University Sarawak campus Auditorium. They also invited a special guest Dr. Edward Lim for sharing his experience and installation of new committee. The dinner only limited for 80 people only and this 80 people must be the members of CPAASC. The dinner started with speech and installation by Dr. Edward Lim follow by the ice-breaking game, dinner, experience sharing and prize giving for games. The most interesting part for me is the experience sharing by Dr. Edward Lim. He shares the word of DREAMS which consist of 6 steps that we need prepare for our interview in future. The word DREAMS refer to Dress, Responsiveness, Experience and Expectation, Attitude, Management of time and serve and lastly is Skill set. After the sharing they give the prize to the winner of the ice-breaking game and the dinner ended at 10:15p.m
At night, we join the Networking Night cum Installation dinner. The dinner start at 6:30p.m and the place are at Swinburne University Sarawak campus Auditorium. They also invited a special guest Dr. Edward Lim for sharing his experience and installation of new committee. The dinner only limited for 80 people only and this 80 people must be the members of CPAASC. The dinner started with speech and installation by Dr. Edward Lim follow by the ice-breaking game, dinner, experience sharing and prize giving for games. The most interesting part for me is the experience sharing by Dr. Edward Lim. He shares the word of DREAMS which consist of 6 steps that we need prepare for our interview in future. The word DREAMS refer to Dress, Responsiveness, Experience and Expectation, Attitude, Management of time and serve and lastly is Skill set. After the sharing they give the prize to the winner of the ice-breaking game and the dinner ended at 10:15p.m